Nutrification is nothing but enriching the foods by addition of nutrients to foods at such a level as to make a major contribution to the diet. Fortification plays a major role in nutrification. Fortification is a process of adding micronutrients to food where staple foods can lack in particular nutrients due to soil of the region. Food fortification is was initiated to replace the nutrients which were lost during the product manufacturing, for public health intervention, to ensure the nutritional equivalence of substitute food and the appropriate vitamin and mineral nutrient .
To uphold the nutritional quality of foods, to keep nutrients levels in check, to prevent specific nutritional deficiencies in the population at risk of certain deficiencies. Food fortification does not require people to change their eating habits thus it is socially acceptable Commercial and industrial fortification, Bio fortification, Home fortification are the methods of fortification. Fortification involves in Restoration, Standardization and Supplementation. Types of fortification are Efficacy trials, Iron fortification, Vitamin A fortification, Multiple fortification , Iodine fortification, Iron fortification, Combined iron and iodine fortification, Folic acid fortification, Fortification with other B vitamins ,Vitamin D fortification .
The stability of nutrients and the conditions under which fortified foods are prepared, manufactured, and packaged will not affect the shelf life of the product and, concomitantly, the nutrient overages. The degree of nutrient degradation in food and the length of the shelf life will govern the level of overage Fortification of extensively circulated and consumed foods has the potential to advance the nutritional status of a large section of the population, comprising both poor and wealthy.
Guidelines on Food Fortification
Technical Aspects of Food Fortification
Effectiveness of Food Fortification