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The escalating advances of science have brought a collective density to the health care system. Adequate nutrition is central to physical and mental health .The prerequisites for a balanced diet can be met from an assortment of plant and animal based foods. Good nutrition is very important at all stages of life. Our bodies need enough of the right foods to give us energy to grow, learn, work and stay healthy. Children below the age of two have particular needs because their bodies are growing and changing quickly, even before birth because poor health can affect our nutritional status.

Health and nutrition are closely linked. Around half of child deaths could be prevented if the child was not malnourished as well as ill. At the same time, illness increases the likelihood that a child will become malnourished. Adults suffering from micronutrient and other deficiencies are often tired and therefore less productive. Obesity, another fact of malnutrition, is now recognized as a significant and growing problem in most countries and a major contributor to non-infectious diseases such as diabetes

Good nutrition is important for every person’s health and well-being. However, it is especially important for infants and young children, mothers and adolescent girl. The nutrition guidelines contains information and advice on globally accepted best practices to combat malnutrition and is intended to support us by good health

Food Analysis    

Functional Foods             

Performance Enhancing Supplements    

Aims and Recent Development  

Measuring Absorption, Metabolism and Tissue Targeting

Food Chemistry and Biochemistry            

Pediatrics Trauma and Depression            

Function of Nutrition     

Principles of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry         

Guidelines for Good Health         

Dietetics and Its Scope  

Therapeutic Diets and Effective Nutritional Counselling   

Diet During Energy Imbalance    


  • Track 1-1Performance Enhancing Supplements
  • Track 1-2Pediatrics Trauma and Depression
  • Track 1-3Function of Nutrition
  • Track 1-4Principles of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry
  • Track 1-5Guidelines for Good Health
  • Track 1-6Dietetics and Its Scope
  • Track 1-7Therapeutic Diets and Effective Nutritional Counselling
  • Track 1-8Diet During Energy Imbalance

Food and Nutrition are the way that we get energy for our bodies. It is essential to substitute nutrients in our bodies with a new source every day. Maintaining key vitamins and minerals are also important to maintaining good health. For pregnant women and adults vitamins such as vitamin D and minerals such as calcium and iron are important to consider when choosing foods to eat, as well as possible dietary supplements.

A healthy diet includes a lot of natural foods. Nutrition involves the process of eating food to its convention in various tasks of body. The study of diet deals with what nutrients we need, in what amount, how to get them and how the body consumes them. Balanced nutrition specifies the right quantity of nutrients for accurate utilization for attaining maximum level of physical and psychological health. First function of food is to provide energy.      

Nutrition is food at work in the body it includes everything that happens from eating food to its usage in various functions of body. Body requires energy to withstand involuntary progressions essential for persistent life. Food regulates the activities of the body including – heartbeat, maintaining body temperature, muscle contraction, water balance, blood clotting and removal of waste products from the body. Food aids in refining the immune system and progresses resistance power of the body. The usage of food involves its passage through three processes – digestion, absorption and utilization in the body.

Food Chemistry and Biochemistry            

Food Analysis    

Environmental Impact of Food Production and Consumption       

Functional Foods             

Fortified Foods 



  • Track 2-1Food Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Track 2-2Food Analysis
  • Track 2-3Environmental Impact of Food Production and Consumption
  • Track 2-4Functional Foods
  • Track 2-5Fortified Foods

Growth is vital characteristic of infantile, and a profound indicator of the child’s nutritional eminence. Pediatrics Nutrition aids in the conservation of a proper well-balanced diet entailing of the essential nutrients and adequate caloric consumption necessary to stimulate growth and endure the physiologic necessities at the different phases of a child's growth.

Pediatric nutritional prerequisites differ significantly with age, level of activity, and ecological conditions and are directly linked to the proportion of growth. Breast Feeding has vital ingredients that are not found in any infant formulation, to construct the baby’s immune system.

Pediatric nutrition must contain essential Vitamins and Minerals which are vital for the growth and development. Proteins are the basic utilities required to construct the body muscles and all the metabolic activities of the body. Intakes of dairy products are desirable to upsurge Calcium levels in body.

Premature Infant and Term Infant Feeding            

Nourishing a Growing Child         

Breast Feeding  

Pediatrics Pulmonology

Pediatrics Care and Nursing        

Pediatrics Nutrition in Chronic Diseases 

Pediatrics Trauma and Depression            

Pediatrics Rheumatology             



  • Track 3-1Premature Infant and Term Infant Feeding
  • Track 3-2Nourishing a Growing Child
  • Track 3-3Breast Feeding
  • Track 3-4Pediatrics Pulmonology
  • Track 3-5Pediatrics Care and Nursing
  • Track 3-6Pediatrics Nutrition in Chronic Diseases
  • Track 3-7Pediatrics Trauma and Depression
  • Track 3-8Pediatrics Rheumatology

Sports nutrition should include everything you consume in a day not just what you eat or supplement with around exercise or during a competition. Understanding what and when to eat on a daily basis will have a huge impact on your performance, mood, sleep, health and energy levels which should not be underestimated

Certainly, nutrition supervision almost every process in the body matted in energy production and retrieval from exercise. A very stimulating subject of sport nutrition is the use of supplements like proteins and metabolism of lipids and their effects on human recital and health Minerals and trace elements play a vital role in body building

Sports Nutrition stresses on study of the type and quantity of fluids and foods consumed by an athlete. Rather, it contracts with the intake of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, supplements and organic ingredients that comprise carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

The Importance of Sports Nutrition

Energy Supplements

Recovery Supplements

Weight Management

Performance Enhancing Supplements

Hydration and Sports Performance

Nutritional Injury and Prevention Recovery



  • Track 4-1The Importance of Sports Nutrition
  • Track 4-2Energy Supplements
  • Track 4-3Recovery Supplements
  • Track 4-4Weight Management
  • Track 4-5Performance Enhancing Supplements
  • Track 4-6Hydration and Sports Performance
  • Track 4-7Nutritional Injury and Prevention Recovery

As plants need some essential nutrients to grow, hence plants usually take nutrition in the form of inorganic materials. A plant usually gets energy from photosynthesis and nutrition from soil. From soil nutrients can be given by the interaction of various steps and finally it provides nutrients to plants to grow. To yield nutrients the plants undergo several chemical pathways. Plants also need micro and macro nutrients to propagate without any infections. Plant growth management can be calculated or can be estimated with the help of chemical reactions which takes place in the nutrient formation from the soil as inorganic materials.

Animal nutrients highly focus on the dietary requirements which are essential for the growth and maintenance of animals. Like humans animals also need nutrients in specific ration. On basis of nutrient consumption and method of food preparation animals can be classified in to groups. Autotrophs and heterotrophs are the two major classes based on the mode of food intake. Animal’s needs fatty acids in small amount since most of the fatty acid can be secreted from its own body. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats are the other essential nutrients required by animals.

Plant Nutrient Sources

Animal Nutrient Sources

Plant and Nutritional Nutrient Management

Nutrient Deficiency in Plant and Animals

Sources Autotrophic and Heterotopic Nutrition


  • Track 5-1Plant Nutrient Sources
  • Track 5-2Animal Nutrient Sources
  • Track 5-3Plant and Nutritional Nutrient Management
  • Track 5-4Nutrient Deficiency in Plant and Animals
  • Track 5-5Sources Autotrophic and Heterotopic Nutrition

Nutrification is nothing but enriching the foods by addition of nutrients to foods at such a level as to make a major contribution to the diet. Fortification plays a major role in nutrification. Fortification is a process of adding micronutrients to food where staple foods can lack in particular nutrients due to soil of the region. Food fortification is was initiated to replace the nutrients which were lost during the product manufacturing, for public health intervention, to ensure the nutritional equivalence of substitute food and the appropriate vitamin and mineral nutrient .

To uphold the nutritional quality of foods, to keep nutrients levels in check, to prevent specific nutritional deficiencies in the population at risk of certain deficiencies. Food fortification does not require people to change their eating habits thus it is socially acceptable Commercial and industrial fortification, Bio fortification, Home fortification are the methods of fortification. Fortification involves in Restoration, Standardization and Supplementation. Types of fortification are Efficacy trials, Iron fortification, Vitamin A fortification, Multiple fortification , Iodine fortification, Iron fortification, Combined iron and iodine fortification, Folic acid fortification,  Fortification with other B vitamins ,Vitamin D fortification .       

The stability of nutrients and the conditions under which fortified foods are prepared, manufactured, and packaged will not affect the shelf life of the product and, concomitantly, the nutrient overages. The degree of nutrient degradation in food and the length of the shelf life will govern the level of overage Fortification of extensively circulated and  consumed foods has the potential to advance the nutritional status of a large section of the population, comprising both poor and wealthy.

Methods of Food Fortification

Guidelines on Food Fortification

Technical Aspects of Food Fortification

Effectiveness of Food Fortification

Food Fortification Tools



  • Track 6-1Methods of Food Fortification
  • Track 6-2Guidelines on Food Fortification
  • Track 6-3Technical Aspects of Food Fortification
  • Track 6-4Effectiveness of Food Fortification
  • Track 6-5Food Fortification Tools

Nutrigenomics is a study of nutritional genomics which helps to identify the effects of food and food constituents on gene expression. This helps in identifying and understanding molecular-level interaction between nutrients and other dietary bioactive with the genome. Nutrigenomics influence the genetic variation on nutrition by correlating gene expression and with nutrient’s absorption, metabolism, elimination or biological effects. Generally nutrigenomics aims to enhance rational means to optimise nutrition with respect to the genotype and its aim is to develop and understand how the whole body responds to a food. The effect of single food and single gene is nutrigenomics.

 Nutrigenomics will lead to dietary intervention strategies for restoring health and fitness and for preventing diet related disease because nutrigenomics is the junction between health, diet and genomics which is a combination of molecular nutrition and genomics. The genetic revolution is providing numerous new insights of health issues, one of which is the role of diet in cancer prevention. Genomic research is also anticipated to create innovative therapies that are directed more specifically to the molecular mechanisms of disease. And nutrigenomics is how nutrients modulate gene and protein expression and ultimately influence cellular metabolism is the combination of molecular nutrition and genomics.

Nutrigenomics uses the new technologies at the level of molecular and cellular Processes and biological systems and can identify what can work in our body. And new technology can identify cell signatures which represent exposure to the environment and to investigate the earliest changes in disease processes. Nutrigenomics can also give some indications of those genes in which polymorphisms might be important and these may then be explored further in epidemiological studies.

Genome Damage and Nutritional Deficiency

The Effect of Food on Gene Expression

Aims and Recent Development

Links to Chronic Disease

Preventive Health



  • Track 7-1Genome Damage and Nutritional Deficiency
  • Track 7-2The Effect of Food on Gene Expression
  • Track 7-3Aims and Recent Development
  • Track 7-4Links to Chronic Disease
  • Track 7-5Preventive Health
  • Track 7-6Applications

Functional foods are experiencing a fast growth in recent years. They are foods that have a positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition which endorse optimal health and helps in reducing the risk of diseases. Foods which are given an additional function by adding some new ingredients or more existing ingredient are called Functional Foods. They can also be consumed as a normal diet.

Functional foods are extracted from plant source as well as from the animal source. Functional characteristics in traditional foods are high. A functional food for health is an important part of an overall healthful lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and physical activity.

They also aids us by providing antioxidant influence, effect on cell differentiation, increased activity of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens, inhibition of N-nitrosamine formation, change of estrogenic metabolism, change of colonic milieu, preservation of integrity of intracellular matrices,  effect on DNA methylation, maintenance of DNA repair, increase in apoptosis of cancer cells and decrease in proliferation. Functional foods offer`s abundant potential to progress health and helps in preventing certain diseases when taken as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Functional Foods in Disease Prevention

Functional Food from Plant and Animal Source

Extraction of Functional Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals from Dairy

Measuring Absorption, Metabolism and Tissue Targeting

Assessing the Bioavailability of Nutraceuticals

Processing Techniques, Benefits, Concerns and Challenges

Development and Commercialization



  • Track 8-1Functional Foods in Disease Prevention
  • Track 8-2Functional Food From Plant and Animal Source
  • Track 8-3Extraction of Functional Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals from Dairy
  • Track 8-4Measuring Absorption, Metabolism And Tissue Targeting
  • Track 8-5Assessing the Bioavailability of Nutraceuticals
  • Track 8-6Processing Techniques, Benefits, Concerns and Challenges
  • Track 8-7Development and Commercialization

Well-Balanced diet is important during pregnancy as it is necessary to meet the increased demands of your body as well as those of your growing baby. Pregnancy Nutrition is also includes the amount of nutrients to be consumed by a pregnant mother to fuel the baby’s growth Maintenance of healthy weight is vital for baby’s future health.

Dietary intake for women before and during pregnancy is in fact, very similar to those for other adults, but with a few exemptions. The primary requirement is to eat a healthy, balanced diet as termed in the Balance of Good Health model. The nutrition’s role in pregnancy has vital implications on subsequent maternal and offspring health, including outcomes in later adult life. Optimal nutrition preconception, if maintained throughout pregnancy, promotes optimal foetal growth and development.

Pregnant women are advised to pay particular attention to food hygiene during pregnancy and also to avoid certain foods, in order to reduce the risk of exposure to substances that may be harmful to the developing foetus. Potentially harmful substances include food pathogens and toxic food components as well as alcohol and high doses of some dietary supplements.

Diet During Pregnancy

Physiological Changes in Pregnancy

Prevention of Low Birth Weight and Treatment

Risk of Pregnancy

Physiology of Lactation

Supplements for Pregnancy and Lactating Women



  • Track 9-1Diet During Pregnancy
  • Track 9-2Physiological Changes in Pregnancy
  • Track 9-3Prevention of Low Birth Weight and Treatment
  • Track 9-4Risk of Pregnancy
  • Track 9-5Physiology of Lactation
  • Track 9-6Supplements for Pregnancy and Lactating Women

Diet and nutrition are two vital factors in the promotion and maintenance of good health throughout the life. Their role as determinants of chronic diseases is well established and they therefore occupy a prominent position in prevention activities.

There is a rapid increase in chronic disease worldwide. At least 50% of the total chronic disease deaths are directed to cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. These proportions are indicating worrying trends, not because that they already effect a larger sector of the populace, but also because they have started to appear prior in life.

Chronic diseases are largely preventable diseases. Although more of basic research is required in some prospects of the mechanisms that link diet to health. Disease management is an alternative to traditional patient care that encourages a team of health care providers to work together to help patients with specific diseases achieve the best possible health outcomes.

Diet, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases

Nutrition and Its Role in Disease Management

Disease Prevention Recommendations

Prerequisites for Effective Strategies

Treatment Strategies



  • Track 10-1Diet, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
  • Track 10-2Nutrition and Its Role in Disease Management
  • Track 10-3Disease Prevention Recommendations
  • Track 10-4Prerequisites for Effective Strategies
  • Track 10-5Treatment Strategies

Nutrition, physical activity and other healthy lifestyle behaviours are vital components in the promotion of health and in the treatment of disease. Proper nutrition is critical to overall health from disease prevention to reaching your fitness goals. This helps us to identify a nutrition, physical activity, and behavioural, surgical and pharmacologic approach for overweight and obese adult and paediatric patients

Nutrition, Health and Wellness provide benefits of physical activity and develop programs. How to recognize the components of a balanced diet required for patients. Identify helpful nutrition activities and diet applications. To recognize the importance of burnout among healthcare providers and approaches to the problem

Advances in Healthcare

Healthcare System and Law

Health and Safety

Nutritional Policy

Healthcare System and Law


  • Track 11-1Advances in Healthcare
  • Track 11-2Healthcare System and Law
  • Track 11-3Health and Safety
  • Track 11-4Nutritional Policy

Nutrition is a critical part of diabetes care. Consuming the adequate quantity of carbohydrates, fat, protein along with fibre, vitamins and minerals helps us to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. People suffering from diabetes have high sugar levels in their blood. Balanced sugar level is balancing diabetes. What you consume is closely connected to the proportion of sugar in your blood. Consumption of a well-balanced diet will assist you to control your blood sugar level.

The nutrition remedy prescribed for diabetic people is often based on theories or opinions of the medical provider. People with diabetes often find this frustrating or confusing, because they hear or read that ideally they should be on a low-carbohydrate diet but from other sources they are told that they should be eating a high-carbohydrate, high-protein, or low-fat diet.

Diabetes Pathophysiology

Diabetes and Metabolism

Pediatrics Diabetes

The Heredity and Transformed Lifestyle Diabetes

Alternative Treatment: Medicine and Therapies

Diabetes Diet


Changes in adverse lifestyle are vital for management of all types of diabetes. In particular, appropriate management of cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity and poor diet is important for the prevention of macro vascular disease. Micro vascular complications may also be affected by adverse lifestyle factors, e.g. smoking. However, other factors such as the patient’s willingness to change their perception of diabetes, and factors which may be indirectly related to their diabetes, such as depression and adverse effects on quality of life should take account of before assisting patients to modify certain behaviours


  • Track 12-1Diabetes Pathophysiology
  • Track 12-2Diabetes and Metabolism
  • Track 12-3Pediatrics Diabetes
  • Track 12-4The Heredity and Transformed Life Style Diabetes
  • Track 12-5Alternative Treatment: Medicine and Therapies
  • Track 12-6Diabetes Diet

Good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight are essential parts of a person’s overall health and well-being. Put together, they aid in minimising a person’s threat of developing severe health conditions, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Nutritious diet, consistent physical activity, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight are of outmost eminent for managing health conditions.

The impact of eating a healthful diet and being physically active cannot be understated. As they are also vital in minimising the risk of heart disease and stroke, certain forms of cancer, also Strengthen muscles, bones, joints and Improves mood and energy levels.

Among the benefits of a nourishing diet and physical activity reduction of Obesity is chief as it is a major risk factor for several of today’s most serious health conditions involving diabetes,  Several chronic disease and a pioneer in certain forms of Cancer.

Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

Reduce The Risk of Certain Forms of Cancer

Strengthen Muscles, Bones, and Joints

Improve Mood and Energy Level

Improve Mood and Energy Level



  • Track 13-1Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Track 13-2Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
  • Track 13-3Reduce The Risk of Certain Forms of Cancer
  • Track 13-4Strengthen Muscles, Bones, and Joints
  • Track 13-5Improve Mood and Energy Level

The technique of feeding that uses the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to deliver a part or all of a person's caloric requirements are called Enteral Nutrition. It includes a distinct liquid diet in combination of protein, carbohydrates (sugar), fats, vitamins and minerals or small intestine.

Intravenous administration of nutrition consisting carbohydrate, fat, minerals and electrolytes, vitamins and other trace elements is referred as parenteral nutrition. When the tube feeding and mouth feeding methods fails to work parenteral nutrition is used.

Nutritional Assessment

Indications for Nutritional Support

Advantages of Eternal Nutrition

Advantages of Parenteral Nutrition

Contraindication and Complications of Enteral Nutrition and Parenteral Nutrition

Home Parenteral Nutrition


  • Track 14-1Nutritional Assessment
  • Track 14-2Indications for Nutritional Support
  • Track 14-3Advantages of Enteral Nutrition
  • Track 14-4Advantages of Parenteral Nutrition
  • Track 14-5Contraindication and Complications of Enteral Nutrition and Parenteral Nutrition
  • Track 14-6Home Parenteral Nutrition

Energy balance determines by what nutritional scientists refer to as body weight. Basically, the relationship between the calories you consume and the calories you burn is referred as energy balance. If energy intake is greater than energy output you will gain weight and vice versa.

Its management methods embrace long-term lifestyle tactics that endorse balanced diet and daily physical activity. Effective weight managing approaches consider not only weight loss but also the maintenance of a healthy body weight over time. Fashion diets that encourage quick temporary weight loss do not include Weight management.

Probiotic Supplementation

Marine Bio Actives and Supplements

Herbal Weight Loss

Absorption Blockers

Soluble Dietary Fibers

Abnormal Obesity

Dietary Supplements

Metabolic Outcomes


  • Track 15-1Probiotic Supplementation
  • Track 15-2Marine Bio Actives and Supplements
  • Track 15-3Herbal Weight Loss
  • Track 15-4Absorption Blockers
  • Track 15-5Soluble Dietary Fibers
  • Track 15-6Abnormal Obesity
  • Track 15-7Dietary Supplements
  • Track 15-8Metabolic Outcomes

Almost 6-8% of Children are effect by Food allergy in some point of their childhood, making it an increasing problem worldwide. When a certain food or diet is consumed and results in immune system reaction then the condition is termed or referred as Food Allergy. A small proportion of Allergy causing Food can unleash some signs and symptoms like digestive complications, rashes or inflamed airways

Nutrition and diet have been shown to play an increasing role in allergic disease. While prescription and over-the-counter drugs simply suppress allergy symptoms, proper nutrition can actually strengthen your immune system and help you avoid allergy attacksIncreases risk for inadequate intake and poor growth. Providing safe food can be challenging. Food allergies may increase stress.

Pediatrics Allergic Asthma

Hygiene Hypothesis

Pediatrics Hypersensitivity

Diagnosis and Preventive Measures

The Future of Food Allergy: Developing New Treatments


  • Track 16-1Pediatrics Allergic Asthma
  • Track 16-2Hygiene Hypothesis
  • Track 16-3Pediatrics Hypersensitivity
  • Track 16-4Diagnosis and Preventive Measures
  • Track 16-5The Future of Food Allergy: Developing New Treatments

The Cellular and molecular research are envisioned to withdraw a precise understanding about the aetiology and the mechanisms of several nutritional and Healthcare Disorders. These findings assist to evaluate the efficacy of preventive, as well as therapeutic, nutritional interventions and eventually lead to more rational strategies for disease prevention and control. And also helps in detecting the gene-nutrient interactions, and mechanisms by which dietary factors influence disease processes, which provide the foundation of the field of Nutrition Science.

Advances in Carbohydrate, Lipid and Protein Metabolism

Advances in Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism

Nutrigenomics and Molecular Nutrition

Role of Estrogen Receptor and Protein

Cellular DNA Studies

Gene Expression and Regulation

Methods and Techniques in Molecular Biology



Health Food Choices are not only crucial for inhibiting disease, it is also vital to the recovery route. While nurses just not only work in Hospital but are also employed in various other Healthcare aspects. Community nurses may focus more on the dietary concerns of patients recovering from illnesses, while hospitals nurses may focus more on prevention. Additionally Nurses employed at schools or community centres can often provide nutritional education to the public to prevent chronic conditions.

The Volume of dieticians or licensed nutritionists is not enough to meet the needs of the population, which makes it vital for nurses to be able to fill those gaps. 

Role of Nursing Nutritional

Importance of Nursing Nutrition

Needs and Advances of Nursing Nutrition

Nutritional Nursing Training

Counselling Techniques in Nutrition


Diseases of the endocrine glands highlight the importance of hormonal and nutritional factors in the regulation of metabolism in human beings. Variations in nutritional value distress the activity of the endocrine glands resulting in serious disorders where the last era was marked by the conventional deficiency conditions, such as goiter, cretinism, hypothyroidism, and rickets. The rise of certain endocrine disorders, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes is marked by increased industrialisation combined with elevated junk food availability.  

The long-established relation of Nutrition and endocrinology was well established with the evidence that ample nutrition is compulsory for statural growth later expanded with recognition of thyroid disorders resulting from iodine deficiency. The association between childhood obesity leading to the metabolic consequences in adult life is a matter of great concern during the last couple of decades

The adoption of healthy eating practices is essential in the efforts to improve health and prevent disease. Radical reforms and public education are important involving all the stakeholders to devise policies to overcome the burden of nutritional endocrine disorders.

Types of Endocrine Disorder

Metabolic Disorders and Conditions


Neuro Endocrinology

Paediatric Endocrinology

Current Advances in Endocrinology Metabolism


Nutrition is critical to immune defence and resistance to pathogens, with consequences that affect the health, welfare, and reproductive success of indi0076idual organisms and also has profound ecological and evolutionary implication. Under-nutrition is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases, Likewise, over-nutrition and its associated metabolic disorders may impair immune function, disrupt the relationship with symbiotic and commensal micro biota, and increase susceptibility to infectious disease.

It plays a vital role in recognising original plant-derived compounds with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties, novel molecular targets that mediate the actions of dietary compounds and botanicals in inflammation & immunity are also explained, examining how diet moderates the gut micro biome and mucosal immune responses and characterizing the inflection as molecular targets for naturally occurring and dietary compounds.

Modern Disease of Aging and Impact of Nutrition

Immune Deficiency Diseases and Disorders

Cellular Immunology

Clinical Immunology


Pediatrics Immunology

Vaccines & Immunotherapy

Advances in Cardiovascular Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine


Atherosclerosis and hypertension are the two major cardiovascular diseases affecting the world at their core, profoundly caused by inadequate consumption of diet. These disorders can be adhered at some context from nutritional point of view.

The dietary risk factors of these diseases are set in various environmental and ethnic conditions. Often apparent in youth so that preventive measures must be initiated early in life. It is firmly identified with other perpetual infections, for example, renal ailment, diabetes, and dementia. Basic pathophysiological forms are irritation and endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, Modifiable natural hazard factors incorporate lifted circulatory strain, atherogenic blood lipid profile and weakened glucose resistance.

Nutrient Determination for Cardiovascular Disease

Atherosclerosis-Related Diseases

Dietary Fatty Acids



Dietary Cholesterol

Socioeconomic Status, Ethnicity, and cardiovascular disease

Advances in Cardiovascular Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine


The study of how diet affects fitness and disease in human populations, or the science of public health nutrition is termed as Nutrition Epidemiology. It consists of measuring nutritional intake in groups of people and then inspecting disease rates.

To quantify the connection between diet and disease “Statistical models” are used. It also provides rigorous training in the organic features of nutrition, epidemiology, biostatistics etc. Nutrition epidemiology is human health in connection to nutrition.

Epidemiological Investigation of Deficiency Disease

Epidemiological Investigation of Chronic Diseases

Descriptive and Ecological Epidemiology

The Inherent Limits of Epidemiology

Nutrition Monitoring and Surveillance

Assessment of Physical Activity in Nutritional Epidemiology

Nutrition and Health Policy


Neuro science is the study of Neurosystem activities inside body when nutrition acts on it. Brain and the nerves plays a  major part in the transmission of signals in our body , so for the proper maintenance of the system which include cells requires strength by minerals , water and vitamins and their proper quantities in body keeps a healthy Nervous system as Brain which requires 20-25% of our energy needs proper functioning of the system.

Every part of the body consisting of skin, organs, senses, cells and body actions needs proper signals from brain to all nerves which pass through the spinal cord. It is the science of nutrition acting on nervous system for a better and healthier brain and nervous system. Nutrition plays a major role in neuroscience as many nutrients keep a healthy brain and nervous system such as zinc, vitamins and minerals would give energy and strength to the body. But, at last a perfect Nutritionist and dietician could only help us with the diet. Nutrients in balanced diet would surely help to overcome any type of ill health as it acts as a defensive mechanism by not giving on it.

Impact of Nutrition in Brain Development and Function

Importance of Nutrition in Nervous System

Deficiencies and Symptoms

Factors Affecting Neuro System

Advances and Development In Neuroscience


The relationship amid precision medicine, precision prevention and precision health is called Precision Nutrition. It should be a necessary addition in medical therapy, prevention concepts and a daily healthy lifestyle, e.g. healthy aging concepts. As various metabolic diseases like diabetes is having a serious impact on world population Precision nutrition will have a vital impact in supressing these diseases

Precision Nutrition research thus delivers a set of interventions that are easy to adopt to prevent disease and compress morbidity.

Precision Nutrition, Big Data, Biomarkers and Enabling Technologies

Personalized Nutrition for Disease Prevention

Systems Epidemiology Approaches to Metabolic Health

Systems Metabolism and Functional Biomarkers

Engineering Food and Medical Foods for Human Health and Disease Management


Childhood fat has reached epidemic levels in developed similarly as in developing countries. Overweight and fat in childhood square measure illustrious to possess vital impact on each physical and psychological health. Overweight and rotund kids square measure probably to remain rotund into adulthood and additional probably to develop non-communicable diseases like polygenic disorder and vessel diseases at a younger age. The mechanism of fat development isn't absolutely understood and it's believed to be a disorder with multiple causes.

Environmental factors, manner preferences, and cultural atmosphere play important roles within the rising prevalence of fat worldwide. In general, overweight and fat square measure assumed to be the results of a rise in caloric and fat intake. On the opposite hand, there square measure supporting proof that excessive sugar intake by beverage, inflated portion size, and steady decline in physical activity are taking part in major roles within the rising rates of fat all round the world.

Childhood fat will deeply have an effect on children's physical health, social, and emotional well-being, and vanity. It’s additionally related to poor educational performance and a lower quality of life seasoned by the kid. Several co-morbid conditions like metabolic, vessel, orthopaedic, medical specialty, and hepatic, pulmonary, and excretory organ disorders are seen in association with childhood fat.

Principle Of Childhood Obesity

Genes Or Eating Habits: Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity and Effects

Childhood Obesity Prevention

Junk Food and Obesity

Causes, Correlation and of Treatment Childhood Obesity


Medical nutrition therapy includes a wide variety of treatments based on the nutritional status of the patient. Ranging from a few changes in dietary intake to tube or intravenous feeding the strength of the therapy varies significantly. The therapy is acute to the supervision of a variety of chronic diseases, is operative in managing disease, and is cost-effective.

Medical nutrition therapy lies in the extremely high usage of parenteral and enteral nutritional formulas in many health care settings today. Parenteral feedings may allow people who are not able to take any food orally to get the nutrients that they need to survive.

Dietary Needs and Disease Processes

Probiotic Nutrition and Enteral Nutrition

Nutritional Disorders and Treatment

Effectiveness of Medical Nutritional Therapy

Advances of Medical Nutrition

Nutritional Education and behavioral Science