Diabetes Nutrition and Diet
Nutrition is a critical part of diabetes care. Consuming the adequate quantity of carbohydrates, fat, protein along with fibre, vitamins and minerals helps us to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. People suffering from diabetes have high sugar levels in their blood. Balanced sugar level is balancing diabetes. What you consume is closely connected to the proportion of sugar in your blood. Consumption of a well-balanced diet will assist you to control your blood sugar level.
The nutrition remedy prescribed for diabetic people is often based on theories or opinions of the medical provider. People with diabetes often find this frustrating or confusing, because they hear or read that ideally they should be on a low-carbohydrate diet but from other sources they are told that they should be eating a high-carbohydrate, high-protein, or low-fat diet.
The Heredity and Transformed Lifestyle Diabetes
Alternative Treatment: Medicine and Therapies
Changes in adverse lifestyle are vital for management of all types of diabetes. In particular, appropriate management of cardiovascular risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity and poor diet is important for the prevention of macro vascular disease. Micro vascular complications may also be affected by adverse lifestyle factors, e.g. smoking. However, other factors such as the patient’s willingness to change their perception of diabetes, and factors which may be indirectly related to their diabetes, such as depression and adverse effects on quality of life should take account of before assisting patients to modify certain behaviours